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From: fdc@watsun.cc.columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Subject: Re: Modem reset
Date: 24 Nov 1999 14:33:38 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
Message-ID: <81gt02$ggu$1@newsmaster.cc.columbia.edu>
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
In article <81gr33$cdr$1@newsmaster.cc.columbia.edu>,
Jeffrey Altman <jaltman@watsun.cc.columbia.edu> wrote:
: In article <383bb3d3.0@nnrp1.news.uk.psi.net>,
: Tim O'Shea <timos@bigfoot.com> wrote:
: : I have kermit paging me when a problem arises during the overnight batch
: : run (This is on AIX). This works fine, but once the pager message is
: : sent, the modem isn't set correctly for dial in. I am wondering if the
: : reset is restoring to factory defaults, rather than to the power on
: : defaults, and if so, how do I change it?
: The problem is most likely that you are sending the reset at 1200 baud.
: After hanging up the modem you must switch back to the baud rate the
: getty is expecting and then issue
: output AT\13
But in general, the viability of the port for future arriving calls should
not depend on dialout programs leaving the port in the desired state (since,
after all, how should the communication program know what the desired state
Bidirectional modems are a big system administration headache, and the answer
to questions like this depends on exactly which operating system (AIX in your
case) and version, and the modem, and we don't pretend to know them all.
Kermit doesn't do anything when it dials out that any other program (like
cu or tip) doesn't do, so I imagine you would have the same problem after
dialing out with any other program.
The answer usually involves some detailed configuration of the modem and/or
the operating system. Again, the details depend on the exact OS and version
AND on the modem. Some modems can be set up for answer mode, and the
configuration saved in such a way that it is restored automatically any time
a call hangs up. Other modems might not have this feature and then you'll
need to look into the many and varied getty variants and configurations.
- Frank